Taverna services for Systems Biology



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Multi-parameter sensitivity analysis (MPSA) of a deterministic and stochastic SBML models.

This is a MPSA experiment for both deterministic and stochastic versions of the enzymatic reaction model (SBML). MPSA is a Monte Carlo filtering method of sensitivity analysis which maps parameters space into acceptable and unacceptable output regions. The method works as follows:

  1. Select parameters to assess.
  2. Set parameters range.
  3. Generate independent samples.
  4. Calculate samples errors.
  5. Classify samples as acceptable or unacceptable.
  6. For each selected parameter compare classified samples sets.

Depiction of the "MPSA of a deterministic SBML model" workflow. "MPSA of a deterministic SBML model" workflow

We focus on kinetic parameters of the two forward reactions, i.e. k1 and k3. As an error we take the mean squared error of the ODE trajectory of product P for the deterministic variant. For the stochastic variant we exploited probabilistic model checking and take the value of the CSL formula, which asks the model about how many times, on average, the enzyme-substrate complex association reaction have to occur before amount of the product reaches 50% of its maximum?. Both error functions are calculated for each parameters sample with respect to results for the original model.

Both MPSA experiments' workflows (t2flow) require the JSBML library (see JAR libraries in resources). If you haven't installed it earlier, download and copy the JAR file to Taverna's library folder; restart Taverna afterwards. To run the workflow for deterministic model choose File > Open workflow location... and copy-paste the link to the workflow file. Then, File > Run workflow... and wait for results. Good moment to grab a snack. This workflow has no inputs - all parameters are embedded in string constants (e.g. modelUrl, paramCsv, samplesNr, simTime, errorVarCsv, thresholdMethod etc). That's where you start if you want to play around. To run the workflow for stochastic model repeat above steps using this link to the workflow file. For both workflows you can plot the error surface for parameters k1 and k3. To do that you will need to save MPSA results to file, i.e. from the Results perspective choose Save all values > Save in single XML document. Next, open and run the plotting workflow file. Taverna Workbench will ask for filling in the input values, so, in the input values dialog, choose Load previous values and point to previously saved MPSA values. If you want to play around with plot options use the string constant processor optionsCSV. Don't forget to check out the description of plotting options for the mathPlot WS operation, i.e. the wrapper docs on optionList input at myExperiment or input docs at BioCatalogue.

In turn, you will obtain many intermediate outputs of the MPSA procedure, including plots of empirical cumulative distribution functions (ECDF) of acceptable and unacceptable samples, for each of the selected parameters. The final result is <paramRankingXmlList>. It contains two rankings of parameters. Values of rankings are calculated by comparing ECDFs with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS test) and one minus Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (PMCC). If you also plotted the error surface for both variants, the final set of results should include the following plots and rankings:

ODEs simulations PMC
MPSA error surface for the forward parameters of the deterministic variant of the enzymatic reaction model. MPSA error surface for the forward parameters of the stochastic variant of the enzymatic reaction model.
MPSA ECDF for the first forward parameter k1 of the deterministic variant of the enzymatic reaction model. MPSA ECDF for the first forward parameters k1 of the stochastic variant of the enzymatic reaction model.
MPSA ECDF for the second forward parameter k3 of the deterministic variant of the enzymatic reaction model. MPSA ECDF for the second forward parameters k3 of the stochastic variant of the enzymatic reaction model.
KS test1-PMCC
KS test1-PMCC

In the variant based on ODEs simulations and the error function which measures changes in the product behavior, parameter k3 significantly dominates parameter k1, as far as sensitivity of the system is concerned. This is an expected result: the k3 is a parameter of reaction which is directly responsible for product creation; from the Michaelis-Menten approximation one can expect that, for our model values, variation of the parameter k3 will be more influential, with respect to the product rate, than variation of the parameter k1. Results of the PMC-based variant of the MPSA procedure are opposite: now k1 dominates k3. This may be ascribed to the particular choice of formula which calculates the average number of occurrences of the first reaction. The domination is not as definite as in the first variant of MPSA.


Taverna 2 workflow files: