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For all of them at once user can set the following parameters:
- whether to search only the input sequences, or their complementary sequences as well
- the desired motifs' length
- max. number of returned motifs
[+ TODO: Inner filtering]
BioProspector is a program using a Gibbs sampling strategy, and Markov background to model the base dependencies of non-motif bases.
Reference: Liu X, Brutlag DL, Liu JS. BioProspector: discovering conserved DNA motifs in upstream regulatory regions of co-expressed genes. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2001;:127-38.
Website: http://robotics.stanford.edu/~xsliu/BioProspector/
License: MIT license
MDscan is a program designed specially for ChIP-array experiments, however can be used in other experiments where some of the sequences may contain motif sites. The algorithm combines the advantages of two search strategies: word enumeration and iterative updating of motif's PSSM.
Reference: Liu XS, Brutlag DL, Liu JS, An algorithm for finding protein-DNA binding sites with applications to chromatin immunoprecipitation microarray experiment, Nature Biotechnology 2002 Aug;20(8):835-9.
Website: http://ai.stanford.edu/~xsliu/MDscan/
License: MIT license
MEME(Multiple EM For Motif Elicitation) tool uses a statistical method (EM - Expectation Maximisation) for identifying highly conserved regions.
Timothy L. Bailey, Charles Elkan, Fitting a mixture model by expectation maximization to discover motifs in biopolymers,
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, (28-36), AAAI Press, 1994.
Timothy L. Bailey, Nadya Williams, Chris Misleh, and Wilfred W. Li, MEME: discovering and analyzing DNA and protein sequence motifs, Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 34, pp. W369-W373, 2006.
Website: http://meme.sdsc.edu/meme/meme.html
License: MEME is copyrighted software and can be licensed for commercial use.
Weeder searches for candidate motifs by scanning a suffix tree built for input sequences. Additionally, the program uses a background model based on pre-computed frequencies of all possible 6- and 8-bp subsequences from several most important organisms.
Reference: Giulio Pavesi, Giancarlo Mauri, Graziano Pesole, An algorithm for finding signals of unknown length in DNA sequence, Bioinformatics, Vol. 17 No Suppl. 1, June 2001, Pages: S207-S214.
License: Please see Weeder license.